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I bet you thought that I was joking

The title really was a hint. The other day a person came to the office and gave us some whale bones that he had found on a beach at the fjörd. They stayed at the office for a few hours until they were transferred outside because of the horrid smell.

As I promised, this is the post that tells more about what I do at the office. Elding has two office buildings, pictures of them both are right above this text. The first building is the one that is currently in use. The second one is not in use. The reason for that is the construction work on the harbor just behind the building. But the office is were I head first every morning whether I'll be going on a boat that day or not. When I begin the day at the office the first thing I do is checking the bookings. I check who has already paid and who hasn't. I also see if there is something special about the booking, for example a discount. If a group is coming on a tour I prepare the tickets beforehand. Oftentimes a group comes from a cruise ship and usually they want a crew member to fetch them. That is one of my tasks. One of the unusual office tasks is helping with the ropes when a boat leaves or comes back to the pier. The correct way when leaving is back to front and when arriving the opposite, front to back. Just so you know.

Elding takes part in whale research. Whales' dorsal fins and flukes are all different from each others, just like the fingerprints of humans. The dorsal fins have different shapes and sizes. The flukes are black and white and the amount of them differentiate. Some whales have more white and some more black, also the patterns are different. That's how we are able to identify every single individual from one another. Some whales also have scarring or other specific patterns to help identifying them further. Whenever I have extra time I help with the research. The crew takes pictures of the encountered whales on every tour. I go through the pictures and divide them on folders dedicated to the specific whale based on dates. That's how it's possible to keep track of the whales' movements.

I really don't have a specific plan for my next post, but I bet it's something work related. Until then!

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